Image Courtesy: Level 10 Muslimah Our time on this world, the life we’re living is a spiritual journey. Our time on this world, the life we’re living is a spiritual journey, and that’s the nature of this existence. Allah‎ﷻ puts forth so many people and circumstances on our path throughout this journey. Our parents, feed us, Continue Reading →

Image Courtesy: Level 10 Muslimah We are so caught up with what goes on in our mind, that we often forget to do the most important thing, and that’s to listen. My thoughts on listening weaved into words, read on and leave your thoughts behind. ‎إن شاء الله‬. Hush now and listen, Listen, before you Continue Reading →

Image Courtesy: Level 10 Muslimah Allah‎ﷻ‬ is Al Wadood- The Most Loving, He is the source of all love and affection. وَهُوَ الۡغَفُوۡرُ الۡوَدُوۡدُۙ‏ And He is the Ever Forgiving, the Most Loving. Surah Al Buruj | 14 Love is a strong feeling of affection that Allah‎ﷻ‬ has blessed every human being with, we experience the feeling Continue Reading →

What is Fear? Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.  Our fears are driven by a physical reality to be safe, this unpleasant emotional experience has its root in our thoughts. Our thoughts and emotions are inseparable when we think we are afraid we feel the emotion of Continue Reading →

Image Courtesy: Level 10 Muslimah The English dictionary defines gratitude as: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return the kindness. In Arabic Shukr (شكر ), denotes thankfulness, gratitude, or acknowledgment by human beings and is a highly esteemed virtue in Islam. Gratitude (Shukr) is often used in conjunction with Continue Reading →