Are we doing justice to this primary command and the obligation of fulfilling our purpose with the diligence that it deserves? Have we settled into a routine mechanical lifeless rut, devoid of zeal, presence, and connection? Continue Reading →
Nafs Connection Blog
“Sister Cover Your Modesty-sister cover your modesty? How can he give this to me? What does he mean? Am I not modest? How am I being immodest?” “No! I am not stepping out of the house without my hijab, if I go I go with it on or I don’t go at all.” Both of Continue Reading →
Abdullah Ibn Masood رضى الله عنه was one of the first Sahabas to accept Islam; he is famous for his deep-rooted knowledge in the Quranic sciences such as its recitation, Tafsir as well as in the science of fiqh. There is so much to learn from this kind-hearted, noble companion of the Prophetﷺ however, my Continue Reading →
I don’t celebrate my birthday for religious reasons, but reaching 40 seems unreal some how SubhanAllah, I have existed in the world for 40 years and it seems like a sweep and a whiff and a poof!!! Time flies and thinking back to these 40 years gets me nostalgic and the realization kicking in that Continue Reading →
Ramadan has always been a period of self isolation and connection for me, I don’t consider our current situation as a deterrent for things being any different this year, therefore I am just sharing with you what I usually do to prepare myself for Ramadan. Welcome Ramadan with eagerness, excitement and fervour, as you Continue Reading →